Tag Archives: groceries

What is a nutritious, balanced diet?

Many of young adults dismiss the idea of eating healthy when they move out of home for the first time due to time constraints, money shortage or a lack of cooking skills and basic knowledge about balanced diet. Unfortunately, eating instant noodles and McDonald’s every second day of the week won’t do you any good. Of course it will save you some money but you’re very likely to increase your risk for heart disease and other chronic health problems like diabetes as well as experience issues with maintaining a healthy weight in a long run. By limiting your diet to only processed food, you’re illuminating important nutrients such as protein, calcium, potassium, healthy omega-3 fats which are essential at this stage of your life.

Health Diets by My Sweet Love Language

So make sure that your diet includes:
• plenty of fruit and vegetables
• plenty of bread, rice, potatoes, pasta and other starchy foods (choosing wholegrain varieties when possible)
• some milk and dairy foods
• some meat, fish, eggs, beans and other non-dairy sources of protein
• just a small amount of foods high in fat and sugar
• about six to eight glasses of water every day

It’s also very important to consider the amount of caffeine, soft drinks and alcohol you consume as its consumption diminishes calcium and affects how your body uses nutrients from food. So next time you are at a supermarket, take a look at your shopping trolley and make sure that you have a few items from each of the food groups.

Do you find it hard to maintain a balanced diet? Share with us!

Leaving the Nest

3 simple ways to save money on grocery shopping


1. Know the Season

Have you noticed that your favorite fruits and vegetables are considerably more expensive during different seasons? Although most fresh fruit and vegetables are available all year-round, some are less expensive when they are in season. So if you’re looking to save, stick to what’s in season, for instance, avocados, pawpaw and artichokes are in season in spring. Go to this link and download a PDF guide to what’s in season during the spring months.

2. Visit frozen food section

If some of your food constantly get spoiled before you got around to use it, it’s frustrating and a huge waste of money. Frozen vegetables tend to be cheaper than their fresh counterparts, and freezer bags make it easier for you to use only what you need when you need it plus you get the same nutritional benefits but in a more affordable way. Canned food is also cheaper than fresh fruit and vegetables and lasts much longer, so you don’t need to eat it right away.

3. Forget about brand loyalty

Many of us somehow believe in the quality of a brand to the point that we can judge another product on its brand or image. But is the quality of a product really determined by its colour and packaging? It’s very unlikely. So next time you are shopping for example for cleaning products, don’t ignore home-brand products of Woolworths and Coles, so you pay for the product without paying extra for the label.

How do you save money on grocery shopping?


Leaving the Nest