5 Tips for saving and budgeting


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1. Join Arc and enjoy on campus and off campus discounts:

• $5 Boost Juice smoothies on Tuesdays from 3-4pm
• Free upsize on all drinks at Share Tea
• 10% off all purchases at Moochi
• Buy one single adult ticket and get a second one for free at Sea Life Sydney Aquarium
• 25% off total order at Eagle Boys Pizza
And that’s just few of them. Want to find out more? Go to this link to see the whole list of amazing discounts

2. Use cash instead of debit/credit cards

There is something that is different psychologically when you use cash instead of a credit or a debit card to pay for something—you realize just how much it really costs. However, it’s a bad idea to carry huge amounts of cash around with you. So try to plan ahead how much money you will need on each day. This will also help to cut back on your impulse purchases.

3. Say no to eating out

Try to start preparing meals in advance at home and consuming the leftovers as well. This will save you a ton of money and plus when you make the meal, you control the ingredients and limit the preservatives, salt, and other unhealthy elements.

4. Stay social on budget

When going out leave your bank card at home. Account for how much money you are willing to spend plus include taxi fare. But if you really want to avoid wasting money, have a day out instead. Consider going to your local scenic walking tracks, beaches or parks. It’s a great way to get out of the house and spending time with your friends without opening your wallet.

5. Remove your credit card numbers from your online accounts

It’s easy to spend money online when you have your card information stored in an account. The best way to break this habit is to simply delete your card from the account. So when you’re tempted to buy something, you’ll be forced to spend the time to first find your card and then type in all the details – and really think about why you’re spending this money.

What about you guys? How do you manage to cut down on your expenses?


Leaving the Nest

12 thoughts on “5 Tips for saving and budgeting

  1. Annabelle

    Similarly to what was in the post, I usually try to only pay in cash so I get a better sense of how much I spend. In addition, I only ever keep the a set amount of cash in my wallet that I know is enough for me to pay for what I need for the day – food, transport and any activity I have set for the day, to prevent me from over spending and buying unnecessary things.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. luvlifenotlikes

    Thanks for this helpful information! I never knew those ARC members’ benefits. I should get $5 Boost Juice on this coming Tuesday. And I strongly agree with the fact that using credit cards make people use more money, compare to cash payments, as they become unconscious in how much they are spending until they observe actual result of statistics (i.e. their monthly usage of card)


  3. refashionunique

    Thanks for these great tips. I found I always spend a lot of money on social. Watch event cinema`s movies on Monday (student discount only $10)–> sounds like advertisement XD

    Do you know any discount apps??


  4. rmarnell93

    I am literally the worst when it comes to using debit cards. I hate having to carry cash around but I burn through my money so much faster when using a card. And that was even before PayPass was a thing…

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Leaving the Nest Post author

      PayPass is dangerous money-wise! It’s sooo easy to just wave and spend money and you don’t even feel a thing.. The best thing is to stick to using cash, this way you will physically feel how much you are spending and when you need to stop.


  5. Moses

    Really agree with #2. Read an article elsewhere where it mentioned by Germans having the culture of not using debit/credit. Personally, although it’s much more convenient, often the feeling of money being spent when using credit/debit isn’t very real until you’ve checked your bank balance, and then getting a shock!

    Essential tips especially for international students living away from their family for an extended period amount of time. Sydney is one of the most expensive cities in the world and for someone to come in from other (relatively) cheaper cities can be financially straining at times. So yup, budgeting is definitely the most important thing to do (at least for me haha) 🙂



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